To educate and inspire students to pursue career pathways which create the built environment.
2021 Project Problem Statement
Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs have become increasingly popular as part of high school curriculum due to their proven history of preparing students for filling both current and future job demands. The CREATE Advisory Board invites proposals for the creation of a new, single-room CTE “Building of the Future” on your high school campus. The building must house a CTE program of your team’s choosing that best fills a need at your school while meeting the following requirements:
- The building footprint shall not exceed 2,500 square feet and must be located on or near your high school campus.
- The building shall be single-story and is limited in height to 25’ maximum. A mezzanine may be included at each team’s discretion provided accessibility is provided for all potential building users.
- The building design should blend with the existing architectural vernacular on the campus (i.e. materials and design intent should be similar to other buildings). Providing a design that is a dramatic departure from the existing campus vernacular will result in disqualification.
- The project budget is assumed to be covered by district bonds. Cost estimates are not required.
- The building should include all functions necessary to be a self-contained area of learning for all components of your chosen CTE program. This may include but is not limited to:
- Collaborative and/or individual learning spaces, Technology infrastructure (audio/video, computer lab/docking stations, etc.), Shop/lab space including any required exhaust and plumbing systems, Storage, Restroom facilities, Up to 1,000 square feet of outdoor space.
- All students participating in the CREATE Program MUST register online by September 24, 2021 in order for the team to receive points.
- Complete and return Parent/Guardian Release Form and Student Commitment Form by September 24, 2021. Forms are to be submitted to the classroom teacher. The classroom teacher will compile into a single document and submit forms.
- Trades Day - October 26, 2021
- Percentage of Student Attendance
- Online Form & 2-3 Photos of Event. Due November 3rd. Submit via Google Form.
- NOT REQUIRED FOR SCHOOLS OUTSIDE OF THE SACRAMENTO AREA : Requests for Information (RFI’s) by: October 8, 2021 no later than 5 pm. Submit all questions in a single document including the name of your school to Viviana Castro-Martinez.
- Presentation Day: December 9, 2021 (presentation slides due December 4, 2021 no later than 5 pm).
(Point totals are as indicated. Where no point total is given, deliverable is considered pass/fail)
1.1) Project Narrative (300-500 words) = 0-5 pts
1.2) Hand Sketches (Programming & Bubble Diagrams) = 0-10 pts
1.3) Project Site Plan = 0-5 pts
1.4) Student Resumes = 0-10 pts
1.5) Create a media post and tag the Construction Industry Education Foundation = 1pt
- Which CTE program is your classroom designed to accommodate and why was that program selected?
- Describe how your structure fits in with your school campus.
- What material(s) will your building be constructed of? Identify 1 or 2 local vendors from which you can procure your material.
- Submit Project Narrative via google forms. Form can be found at: Project Narrative.
1.2) Hand Sketches (Programming & Bubble Diagrams) = 0-10 pts
- Hand sketches consist of "bubble" diagrams in floor plan view showing the intended program for the ground floor and mezzanine (if applicable). Keep in mind program scale relative to other spaces.
- Minimum 1 sketch required per student. These sketches will be submitted as a single document. Submission form can be found at: Deliverable 1: Team Hand Sketches.
1.3) Project Site Plan = 0-5 pts
- Site Plan should be to scale and include location of your new building, adjacent existing campus buildings and show enough of the campus to allow for this plan to serve as the background for the Site Logistics Plan required as part of Deliverable #2.
1.4) Student Resumes = 0-10 pts
- Each student will create and submit a current, student resume.
- Students may attend a resume building webinar/workshop at any scheduled time (webinar will be made available to teachers/students by September 1, 2021)
- Graduating seniors will need to include a link to their LinkedIn profile as part of their resume. Resume information should be posted to their LinkedIn profile.
- Resume samples and resources are found in the Mentor Handbook.
- Resumes should be compiled and submitted as a single document to: Student Resumes.
1.5) Create a media post and tag the Construction Industry Education Foundation = 1pt
- All seniors and scholarship applicants are encouraged to follow the CIEF LinkedIn page.
2.1) Project Floor Plans = 0-10 pts
2.2) Selection of Engineering Component = 0-4 pts
2.3) Construction Site Logistics Plan = 0-10 pts
2.4) Field Trip & 2-3 photos = 0-5 pts
- Floor plans are to be architectural plans embellishing the bubble diagrams submitted for Deliverable #1. All spaces should be defined along with anticipated major casework, fixtures, and furniture.
- Submit Project Floor Plan to: Deliverable 2.1: Project Floor Plans
2.2) Selection of Engineering Component = 0-4 pts
- Group’s choice of an engineering component – can be structural, mechanical, electrical, civil, stormwater or environmental, etc. Provide any sketches, diagrams, supporting calculations, or any other supporting documentation demonstrating development of your concept.
- Submit Selection of Engineering Component to: Deliverable 2.2: Selection of Engineering Component
2.3) Construction Site Logistics Plan = 0-10 pts
- Using the Site Plan created as part of Deliverable #1, the Site Logistics Plan should be to scale and include location of your material laydown space, access to site/construction path of travel, job trailer location, security fencing and cameras, and restrooms for construction workers.
- Submit Construction Site Logistic Plan to: Construction Site Logistic Plan
2.4) Field Trip & 2-3 photos = 0-5 pts
- Submit field trip photos to: Field Trip Photos
3.1) Electronic Copy of Slide Presentation must include:
3.2) Team video that creatively showcases what you gained because of CREATE (90-180 seconds) = 0-10 pts
Submit a link to your team video to [email protected]
- Team Concept, Research and Reasoning = 0-5 pts
- Floor Plan(s) = 0-10 pts
- Engineering Component = 0-10 pts
- 3D Rendering or Image of the 3D model (Revit, SketchUp, etc.) = 0-10 pts
3.2) Team video that creatively showcases what you gained because of CREATE (90-180 seconds) = 0-10 pts
Submit a link to your team video to [email protected]
Presentation (10-12 min) = 0-10 pts
Physical Mock-Up = 0-10 pts
Curveball - TBD = 0-15 pts
- Discuss all components in the slide presentation & anything else essential to the project.
Physical Mock-Up = 0-10 pts
- To-scale model of a section of a building system. Examples may include a wall section, a plumbing fitting, duct assembly, flooring section or any other component of the building. Please bring your physical mock-up on the day of your team’s Final Submission (Presentation) or submit 90-180 second video.
Curveball - TBD = 0-15 pts
- Following the awards lunch each team will be presented with a circumstance that will cause them to re-imagine a part of their design. Teams will be given a designated amount of time to prepare their solution and 3-5 minutes to present to the judges.
Student Registration/Parent Release Forms
Trades Day............................................................................5 Deliverable 1 1.1 Project Narrative............................................................5 1.2 Hand Sketches..............................................................10 1.3 Project Site Plan.............................................................5 1.4 Student Resumes and LinkedIn profiles....................10 1.5 Social Media Post .........................................................1 Deliverable 2 2.1 Project Floor Plans........................................................10 2.2 Selection of Engineering Component ......................10 2.3 Construction Site Logistics Plan..................................10 2.4 Field Trip.........................................................................5 Deliverable 3 Team Concept, Research, Reasoning...............................10 Floor Plan.............................................................................10 Engineering Component...................................................10 3D Rendering......................................................................10 Video about what you learned..........................................10 Competition Day Presentation.........................................................................10 Physical Mock-Up................................................................10 Curve Ball TBD.....................................................................15 ____________________________________________________ TOTAL POINTS (INCLUDING BONUS).............................150 |
24 - Release Forms Due | SUBMIT HERE 24 - Online Registration Due | SUBMIT HERE OCTOBER 2021 8 - RFI Submissions Due | SUBMIT HERE 15 - Deliverable 1 Due | See Links for RFP Submission 26 Trades Day | Field Trip at Cal Expo NOVEMBER 2021 1 - Scholarships Due | SUBMIT HERE 17 - Scholarship Interviews | SRBX Events Center 19 - Deliverable 2 Due | See Links for RFP Submission DECEMBER 2021 4 - Deliverable 4 Due: Electronic Copy of PPT Due | SUBMIT HERE 9 - Competition Day | Scottish Rite Masonic Center 16 - Mentor Mingle | SRBX Events Center JULY 2022 17-23 - CREATE Summer Academy | Sacramento State University |